Elemental provides a smooth and expert service, to structure, form and manage your Family Investment Company (FIC) going forward.
We work with High Net Worth Individuals and Private Client Advisors, to bring about the client’s needs. We bring together, lawyers, chartered secretaries, accountants and tax advisors to ensure that your FIC is compliant and as easy to manage as possible.
Our work for Family Investment Companies
Choosing to set up a Family Investment Company is a decision you will generally take with your personal tax advisors, as part of an overall Estate planning strategy. However, once this decision has been taken, we will support everything else:
- Drafting and advising on the constitutional documents (generally articles of association and shareholders agreement)
- Drafting any financing agreements (eg loan agreement, preference share rights)
- Incorporating the FIC
- Providing a registered office and mail handling
- Director services to manage the FIC if desired and ensure it remains UK tax resident
- Company Secretarial and compliance services
- Statutory Accounts and Corporate Tax Returns
- Bookkeeping
- Corporate tax advice
Our Expertise
- We work with corporate law firms, listed companies and directly with private individuals from over 100 countries looking for specialist help in the UK.
- We have an experienced team of senior lawyers, accountants and governance professionals who work hands on with our clients on bespoke company formations.
- Our unique integrated service is ideal for overseas clients or busy individuals looking for one contact and one point of accountability for their compliance needs.
- We are an independent firm that looks to build long-term relationships with our clients.