World Youth Skills Day

World Youth Skills Day

Why is World Youth Skills Day so important? Well, one of the key duties of a director as set out in the Companies Act 2006 is to promote the success of the company. The Act goes on to list six areas which should be considered in this regard, including acting in the interests of the company’s employees and maintaining a reputation for high standards. And to put it simply, the more that can be done to improve employee skills, the greater the chance that those employees will in their turn contribute to the reputation of the company; thereby helping directors to succeed in their duty of promoting the success of the company.

For some companies, World Youth Skills Day on the 15th July also brings a chance to enhance the reputation of the organisation in other ways. In tandem with the day, more than 400 apprentices and students in the UK have been selected to take part in the WorldSkills UK National Finals which will take place in Manchester later in the year. Showcasing some forty different skill sets, those chosen will compete in disciplines such as additive manufacturing, welding and landscaping. In the process those apprentices will not only have a chance to show off their own skills but also to promote their employers.

Of Course, World Youth Skills Day is not just about individual companies helping their employees to boost their own skills. The theme chosen by the United Nations for the day in 2024 is “Youth Skills for Peace and Development.” This, according to the UN “underscores the crucial role young people play in peacebuilding and conflict resolution.” It also recognises the challenge faced by some young people who may face disruption to their education thanks to conflicts, economic circumstances, or a polarised online environment.

Situations such as these, the UN says, can not only threaten individual futures but can also affect societal stability. However, the UN goes on to promote the idea that by boosting individual skills, young people are given the opportunity to contribute to a more peaceful and sustainable future. And we shouldn’t forget that effective skills training not only better equips individuals to carry out their roles but can also help to promote equality and inclusivity in the workplace.

Elemental offers board director and trustee training. This can help directors to better understand their legal duties but also provide them with the with the knowledge and skills which they need in order to lead effective organisations. Find out more about our Corporate Governance Services.

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